Monday Meditation
Hi everyone
Over four weeks, I’m leading a conversation on Paul’s letter to the Philippians. It strikes me again how laser-focused Paul is on a way-of-life for believers. Imprisoned for his proclamation of the gospel, Paul knows that others may likely be intimidated by the risks of being an “out” Christian. As a counter move, he encourages them to embrace the virtues that come from being “in Christ.” The virtues include humility, compassion, sacrificial love, looking toward the interests of others; in short, “do nothing out of vain conceit or selfish ambition.” He is convinced that the contemplative life - union in Christ - is embodied in visible social form, one that bears witness to the resurrected Christ, living in this community called church.
Given the disarray of many congregations and their leaders, it’s easy to be discouraged. That was true in Paul’s era, too. He describes leaders who live sordid lives, proclaiming the gospel from selfish-motives; whose only purpose is division. Paul is not deterred by any of this. He encourages them to embrace a humble way of life, looking out for the interests of one another, expressing tenderness, compassion and sacrificial love. He calls them to BE a social form of the living Christ, visible to all. “Shining like stars in the universe” offering the word of life.
Imagine your congregation, wherever you are, shining like lights in the world. How might you encourage your community to such a way of life? What letting go must be done? What would make your own joy complete?
Shining like stars in the world. Imagine that. Be a star.
This Eurasian Collared Dove greets me each morning on our rooftop terrace. There is a tree that is favored by all the birds. They take turns for the highest perch.