Monday Meditation

Hi everyone

Two things I want to mention. Yesterday I preached for our congregation at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church. The text was the 7th of the I AM statements of Jesus in John’s gospel. “I am the vine” said Jesus, “you are the branch.” It’s a very simple and clear statement of the intimacy we can have in Christ who lives in us. Jesus goes on to say, “Those who abide in me, as I abide in them will bear much fruit because without me you can do nothing.”  That too is very clear and helpful promise about purpose of Jesus’ intimacy. We live in him, he lives in us, so we may bear the fruit for the flourishing of the world.  “Without me, you can do nothing.”  Resting our lives in the living Christ - depending not upon our own capacity - brings forth fruit for the life of the world. This is the heart of Christianity. It’s a breath prayer that one can repeat as often as you breathe. “I am the vine, you are the branches. Abide in me as I abide in you. You will bear much fruit, without me you can do nothing.”  This really is our purpose: to bear the fruit of Christ’s life  for the life of the world. 

Following the sermon, the pastor led the congregation is a commissioning service, sending us off with blessings and and prayer for our ministry, that it too would bear fruit for the life of the world.  It was a poignant beautiful moment of our common life in Jesus Christ.  

Second, last week I was guest on a podcast: “The Thing with Feathers: Birds and Hope.”  On this episode, I speak about hope and loving in the world with a sense of wonder.  The conversation includes some theology, some reflections on creation, especially birds, what the poets say and how paying attention to creatures, like birds, can bring people into community.  I hope you will give it a listen. The host is Courtney Ellis a pastor and birding enthusiast who has written a book about grief, pastoral care, hope and birding. Something for everyone. You will enjoy it. 

Here is the link on Apple:

Here is the link on Spotify

We leave on Wednesday May 1 for our time of service with the Community Church of San Miguel de Allende, Mexico.  We appreciate your prayers as we enter into this community of faith, and this adventure in Mexico.  The Sunday worship is available on YouTube page of the church.  


Monday Meditation


Monday Meditation