Monday Meditation

a long obedience in the same direction

November 6 was the birthday of Eugene Peterson, a remarkable person and pastor who greatly influenced me as he did so many others. Election news overtook the remembrance of this wonderful human being who continues to influence me. I didn’t want to let his memory pass by without mention. 

Early on, he took an idea from the atheist philosopher, Frederick Nietzsche - that the only way to live life is find a purpose and stay with it - and wrote a book about following Jesus, called “A Long Obedience in the Same Direction.” For some, obedience has a negative connotation; like rule-bound drudgery that equals religious life. 

Peterson understood the biblical vision of obedience as a steady pilgrimage, day by day, walking in the Way, under all conditions. It’s as the 17th century writer, John Bunyan describes in Pilgrim's Progress. In our day, we walk a modern pilgrimage; steady on! Or, as those who walk the Camino de Santiago greet one another: Buen Camino! (Good walking) And reply Ultreia! (Which means, keep moving forward.) Peterson wrote that "Discipleship is a process of paying more and more attention to God’s righteousness and less and less attention to our own."

Once, when asked about his politics, he replied, "The gospel of Jesus Christ is more political than anyone imagines, but in a way that no one guesses." 

Many years ago, when I was trying to figure out my next steps, I corresponded with him, and eventually we met for some conversation. At one point, he flashed his wide, whimsical grin that both deflated and honored my seriousness: "read more poetry." In this way and more, I have tried to honor his counsel and pastoral wisdom. 

Protestants don't have a Hall of Saints set aside for special holy people. We do believe in the communion of saints - a great cloud of witnesses who have gone before us while we run our race. Eugene is leading the cheers for us in that great company.


Monday Meditation


Steady on