Sunday Reflection
Mark 4:34-41
Rembrandt seeks to convey what happened that night when the followers of Jesus said yes to his call to “cross over to the over side.” It’s a remarkable story. They sail into a storm of chaos, frightened out of their minds, while the one who calls them sleeps soundly. In fear they rouse him from sleep, wondering whether he even cares they are dying. Awake, he stills the sea and calms the winds. The disciples are gripped in awe and gratitude. He only wonders how it is they still have no faith.
Leaving the crowd to cross over to “the other side,” we often sail through a sea of chaos on a tiny boat, swamped by waves, sinking. We cross our fingers and say our prayers. This is our story. It’s the story of the company of Jesus’ followers from the beginning.
Stricken with awe and gratitude, filled with wonder, we ask “Who is this Lord, who is leading us?” The boat tips slightly while our Lord, fully awake, strains forward to hear our answer.
Rembrandt gives us a glimpse into the answer in the faces of the disciples. The painting is from 1663 - The Storm on the Sea of Galilee.